Palworld: How to feed Pals

A screenshot featuring a Feed Box in Palworld.Pocketpair

In Palworld, your Pals can get hungry just like you. Find out how to feed Pals in Palworld to keep them happy and willing to help you perform tasks.

Regardless of how happy your Pals seem in Palworld, one thing that’s bound to happen is that they’ll eventually get hungry. Just like your character, your Pals need food to function and maintain their stats.

A well-fed Pal also keeps them from getting sick, allowing them to stay productive in doing whatever you assigned them. Hence why, it’s important to keep their hunger meter topped up in this game.

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Fortunately, there are a few ways to do this, and that includes the most effective one without having you manually feed one by one. Check out how you can feed Pals in Palworld.

How to Feed Pals in Palworld

A screenshot featuring food in inventory in Palworld.Pocketpair
Feeding Pals right from your inventory is one of the ways to keep their hunger topped up.

Feeding Pals in Palworld can be done by using the inventory menu, feeding them by hand, and utilizing the Feed Box. Of course, no matter which method you choose, ensure you’ve stocked up on some food first. Grilled Poultry and Lamball Mutton are great choices if you’re just starting out.

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Use the inventory menu

The first way to feed your Pal is from the inventory menu. To do this, simply load up your inventory menu, right-click on any of your food, and select which Pal you’d like to feed.

It’s quite a straightforward way. The only downside is that you can only feed the Pals in your party with this method. Those in your base won’t show up in the options of Pals.

Feed Pals by hand

Another method to feed Pal is by approaching and feeding them by hand. If they’re not in your party or base, summon your Pal by throwing their Pal Sphere on the ground.

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Next, interact with them by pressing four on your keyboard and selecting the Feed Pal option in the option wheel. After this, simply choose which food you would like them to eat in your inventory.

Build a Feed Box

Manually feeding your Pals one by one can take time, and that’s where the Feed Box comes in handy. With this craftable item, you can have your Pals eat alone when hungry without you having to look after them.

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That said, you’ll need to be level 4 and have 20 pieces of wood in order to craft and place this useful item on your base. Once built, you can transfer the food on your inventory to the Feed Box and keep it topped up whenever. Your Pals will automatically eat from the Feed Box when their hunger bar is low.

That’s pretty much how you can feed Pals in Palworld. Out of these options, we recommend using the Feed Box as it gives you plenty of time to do other things while your Pals nourish themselves.

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