Palworld fans react to creatures too edgy for Pokemon

Palworld creaturesPocketpair

Palworld fans are reacting to some of the creature types that they consider too edgy for the Pokemon series.

Palworld wears its Pokemon influence on its sleeve and even puts its own, somewhat irreverent twist on the whole formula.

This includes the creature designs and names for several of the Pals that you can come across in the game’s world.

Fans are now reacting to these designs and names, appreciating that the devs are not backing down from some of the edgier options.

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Palworld fans are reacting to wild Pal designs

The conversation over on the Palworld subreddit began when a player posted about a Pal they had come across: “I just want to make everyone here [is] aware that Palworld has a ‘Pal’ shaped like a noose called ‘Hangyu’ that is used in criminal executions.”

The post is accompanied by a screenshot of the Pal they’re referencing, and the design is very reminiscent of a noose.

The community is responding well to this sort of off-brand humor, with one user replying: “Lol, I like that they are committed to the bit with this game.”

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Others are taking the time to point out why they feel these designs truly aren’t worse than what you would find in a standard Pokemon entry.

“If you’re willing to train a candle that’s passively burning the lifeforce of everyone around it, the spirit of a child that died in a forest, or a woman that died in a blizzard that now collects frozen people, then why not a lil’ noosy boi?”

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Another user is also questioning why anyone is shocked by it, saying that the game being advertised as “Pokemon with guns” was always going to have an edgy feel to it.

This style of humor isn’t going to land for everyone, but there is certainly a group of fans who are here for it with Palworld.