Unique Overwatch Havana spot lets you use McCree’s Deadeye while hidden

Overwatch Havana Escort map gives McCree cover while using his Deadeye ultimate abilityBlizzard Entertainment

McCree isn’t a hero particularly well known for getting around stealthily in Overwatch. However, this sneaky Deadeye setup is sure to catch any opposing team by surprise when Havana pops up in the rotation.

Deadeye is a unique ultimate in that all enemies have to be in a direct line of sight for any of the charged-up shots to hit. The longer that a McCree stands out in the open waiting for the moment to strike, the greater an opportunity that the competition has to find some cover and block the damage.

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Every once in a while however, a risky flank can pay dividends or a surprise activation can quickly end a fight before anyone is able to react. Bucking the trend and figuring out a new method, this extraordinary Deadeye on Havana keeps McCree almost entirely hidden from the enemy team while he locks and loads his ultimate ability.

Overwatch McCree and Pharah engage in a team fight on Temple of AnubisBlizzard - Overwatch
McCree and Pharah both have similar ultimate abilities in that they remain mostly immobile throughout their use.

One of the most recent additions to the Overwatch experience, Havana is one of six Escort maps currently in the game and takes players through a wide variety of unique combat layouts. From the streets of the first phase to the tight-knit area prior to the second checkpoint, there’s often room for many unique compositions to shine in different sections of the map.

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The third phase is a more open space with plenty of flanking routes and high ground vantage points for the defending team. Opting to stay close to their spawn however, Reddit user ‘Bhyure33’ happened upon a remarkable spot to use their Deadeye and catch the entire team off guard. 

Hopping up on the wooden barrels just outside of the attacking spawn room throughout the third phase, McCree can actually stand atop the second platform and just barely see above the next barrel at the top of the stack. In fact, from this height, the player wasn’t even able to shoot their regular weapon without impacting the object right in front of them.

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Taking a risk, they activated their ultimate and rapidly locked on to a number of enemies out in the open. They wiped out three opponents in just a matter of moments, giving their team all the space they could possibly need in order to advance the payload through the final area for one last fight.

Surprisingly effective, this unique Deadeye spot actually kept the McCree entirely in cover throughout the duration of the ultimate ability. From the enemy point of view, it’s likely that they could only make out a cowboy hat peaking over the top of the barrels in the distance, yet from the McCree’s perspective, they had eyes on the entire stretch of Havana.

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An unbelievably useful spot, this ultimate can be replicated every time a McCree reaches the third phase of the map as it greatly reduces the likelihood that the gunslinger will be shot down. 

Overwatch Havana third phase of the Escort mapBlizzard - Overwatch
The third phase of Havana provides a huge open playing field when compared to the close-quarters area throughout the second phase.

Often a sitting duck throughout the damaging ability no different to the likes of Pharah and even Roadhog, McCree’s movement is majorly hindered by his ultimate. Therefore, being able to trigger the effect while behind cover is an absurdly powerful benefit.

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Whether an intended aspect of the map design or not, there’s a good chance that DPS mains will be utilizing this tactic a great deal moving forward.