Who are the top 5 Overwatch heroes at each Competitive rank?- Full List

Blizzard Entertainment

Every Overwatch player has their own favorite heroes to pick in Competitive, but certain heroes are always picked more by players at different competitive ranks.

Overwatch’s Competitive Season 17 began on June 30 so the statistics-tracking site Overbuff shared their list of the top five heroes from the last month that players picked at each rank.

The data only draws from players who have signed up with the website, so it doesn’t cover every single Overwatch player out there, but it still gives us a good look at what a lot of people are playing.

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Seeing more of one hero in a certain rank might not just be players imagination.

Torbjörn: the King of Bronze

The first thing that jumps out from the rankings is Orisa, who makes it into the top 5 at every rank, as a main tank able to provide her team with plenty of protection and shields.

Good old Torbjörn, on the other hand, only makes one appearance but at the top of the Bronze list, probably from all those players just trying to make it to Silver by any means necessary.

Blizzard EntertainmentBronze players love their Torb.

On the other hand Roadhog and Ashe, heroes that ideally require at least a minimal amount of team coordination, don’t show up until you reach the at least the Platinum level.

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Finally, Doomfist and his high-damage output in the right hands, appears to be the DPS of choice in Diamond, Master and Grandmaster.

OverbuffDoomfist has a high pickrate in Overwatch’s upper ranks.

Big changes coming to Competitive soon?

At this point an upcoming role lock seems to be all but confirmed by Blizzard, who seem to be the only ones not talking about the huge changes potentially coming to ranked.

After Seoul Dynasty pro Chan-hyung “Fissure” Baek retired from the Overwatch League, he confirmed the League was going to implement a 2-2-2 role lock starting in Stage 4 of the current season.

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Whether or not the changes eventually make their way to general Competitive remain to be seen, but Overwatch has promised “big changes” coming this year for players, and a new ranked system certainly would be a massive one.