This Fortnite streamer has a message for xQc after playing Overwatch

Overwatch is not a game for the faint of heart and Twitch streamer Timothy ‘TimTheTatman’ Betar found this out the hard way during a match and was so tilted he had to ask fellow streamer Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel how he does it every day.

Attacking on Rialto, Tim comes out playing Reinhardt and ends up getting eliminated by a rampaging Doomfist who just got done slimming down his team.

After being knocked out, he sends a message to xQc asking how he manages to play Overwatch on stream day after day, along with plenty of question marks.

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After the match, Tim explained his message a little more “xQc, you can like clip this and show him: xQc, how you go through that every day of your life, I do not know my friend.”

The streamer seemed amazed anyone could put themselves through the torture of Overwatch every day, “Nothing but love to you, God bless, that is so unbelievably bad to play against, you can’t even play, you can’t even play the video game it’s so bad.”

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Playing against characters like Doomfist with crowd control in their kits can definitely be frustrating, but half of the fun, for some players at least, is to figure out how to get through those tough enemy team compositions.

When it comes to Overwatch, Tim might just need to take a page out of xQc’s playbook and simply go again. Or he can just keep stick to his usual dose of Fortnite and Black Ops 4′ battle royale mode, Blackout.

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