This fan created even more awesome Overwatch Marvel crossover skins

Blizzard Entertainment/Marvel

Continuing on their work from earlier in October, Overwatch fan and artist Xtremee_Ghost posted even more awesome Overwatch and Marvel crossover concepts to their Twitter page.

A total of seven new concepts were posted, including an awesome one of Doomfist as Black Panther that makes you wish Overwatch would start doing crossover events in-game.

There’s also Hammond reimagined as Rocket Raccoon, with his mech being transformed into Groot, which is absolutely perfect for Halloween.

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The level of detail in each of these pieces is really impressive too, like the Starlord Tracer’s comic-accurate chest mechanism.

Moira definitely makes a great Hela too, as not only did Xtremee_Ghost make some awesome artwork, but they were able to match up Overwatch heroes with pretty similar Marvel characters, too.


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Xtremee_Ghost has created a ton of awesome Overwatch art before, and it looks like they’ll be trying to finish all the Overwatch heroes as Marvel characters before Halloween.

These skins probably won’t be coming to Overwatch any time soon, unfortunately, but with the Winter Wonderland event coming up, there’s sure to be new skins revealed soon.