The concept art for Pharah’s new Legendary Overwatch skin is amazing

Overwatch concept artist Anh Dang shared the concept art that became Pharah’s new Enchanted Armor Legendary skin.

The Enchanted Armor was one of six new Legendary skins introduced with the 2018 Halloween Terror in-game event.

The new skin has proven incredibly popular with players, not only for its aesthetic design but also for the interesting details that differentiate it from alternatives, such as the fact that the armor collapses into pieces upon death.

Dang, who created the concept design from which the Enchanted Armor was brought to life, has revealed what the artwork behind the skin looked like.

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As well as showing off the art itself, Dang also shared some fascinating insights into the process of designing new hero skins.

She touched on the time it takes to create concept art such as this for a prospective hero skin, how her work interacts with the modeling team, and how the various in-game events factor into the kind of designs the team works on at different times.

A look at the concept art for a variety of other hero skins can be found on Dang’s ArtStation page, including designs for Hanzo’s “Scion” skin, Ana’s “Cabana” skin, and McCree’s “Van Helsing” pistol.

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