Taimou bullies enemy Genji during Overwatch match

During a recent match on stream, Timo ‘Taimou’ Kettunen decided he really wanted to take out the enemy Genji, so he did it three times in under 30 seconds.

While the teams engage on the right high ground of Nepal’s Village stage, Taimou takes out the enemy cyborg ninja with a well placed Hanzo shot.

Then he moves into the room closest to the enemy spawn and fires an arrow at precisely the right time to catch the enemy Genji leaving spawn.

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As he waits for the enemy team to regroup, he figures ‘Hey why not try this again?’ and shoots another arrow towards spawn, taking out Genji for the third time in a row.

Taimou can’t contain himself at this point and absolutely loses it, causing one of his teammates to say “Taimou’s having a stroke!”

The Genji, to their credit, must have the patience of a saint to just keep trying like that after getting absolutely wrecked multiple times.

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This clip also proves that Overwatch League pros and professional players, in general, are just on a whole different level than the average Overwatch fan.