Streamer loses his mind after getting eliminated by annoying Overwatch feature

Blizzard Entertainment

Player names displayed atop heroes’ heads during Overwatch matches doesn’t sit well with streamer j0000mla25, who’s unfortunate demise during a round of Deathmatch made him wonder why Blizzard hasn’t done anything about the feature yet.

In Overwatch, enemies and allies’ Player IDs are displayed above their heads along with a health bar if within a certain distance. In regular modes like Quick Play and Competitive, this usually isn’t a problem but it can be in modes like Deathmatch and 1v1’s.

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The feature can get pretty troublesome when players are trying to stay hidden just to be uncovered by their nametag, which is exactly what happened to j0000mla25.

Playing on Widowmaker, j0000mla25 is facing off against a McCree on Chateau Gillard and thinks his opponent can’t see his ID just a second before being eliminated.

“He can see my name, and that’s so fucking annoying chat,” the streamer told viewers. “I hate that so much about the game, dude.”

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The Kill Cam shows exactly what happened and it’s clear you can see j0000mla25’s name appear before the model of Widow does, which allows the McCree to know exactly where he is and take him out.

“That is such an easy thing to fix, it’s fucking stupid, I hate it so much,” he told his Chat, who jokingly replied that streamer’s full tag of ‘J0000MLA25CM’ might be a little long for Overwatch.

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“I’m annoyed that he killed me because of my name, in a first person shooter, dude. In a competitive game,” he lamented. “There’s a huge army of professionals [behind the game], where a buy in for Overwatch League is like 20 million fucking dollars, and your name is visible before you’re actual character model [is visible].”

Hiding names for certain modes, like Deathmatch, would make a lot of sense, but so far Blizzard doesn’t seem to have any plans to make the changes soon.

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