Sneaky Overwatch flank with Junkrat catches enemies off-guard

Junkrat flank OverwatchBlizzard Entertainment

Junkrat can be one of the most frustrating Overwatch heroes to go up against under any circumstance, but a cheeky new flank on Hollywood could make him even more of a pain to deal with.

When it comes to Overwatch’s DPS heroes, almost none of them are more annoying to fight than Junkrat. Not only can he deal out lots of damage, but he has high mobility thanks to his mines thrown in as well.

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Besides from making him even more of a headache to shoot, the mines also allow him to reach areas or take routes that you would expect to see heroes like Pharah, Echo, or D.Va do.

If you’re lucky, you can even get behind the enemy team sometimes without them realizing it, as is the case with this clip below, and throw a serious wrench into their plans, or just eliminate them all. Really, either one works.

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The left side (from the defender’s point of view) of the chokepoint on Hollywood is perfect for this, as Junkrat can actually use two mines in quick succession to super jump over the wall, and cause chaos.

In the clip above, the player was smart enough to save their ultimate for just this occasion, and somehow managed to get it off before the attackers knew what hit them.

Clips like this really do make you wonder about Blizzard’s decision a while back to make it so his abilities/ultimate don’t damage him, but hopefully, the poor attacking team used this tough experience as a learning opportunity.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Junkrat is quite the showman, we’ll give him that.

The only thing the attackers could have done would be to shoot Junk out of the sky mid-flight and just dodge his death grenades, but that would require actually seeing him beforehand to work.

Once he hits the ground with RIP-Tire though, it’s basically all over. So if you do attempt this move, be sure to save your ultimate for it, then sit back, relax, and wait for your POTG at the end of the match.

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