Five new Overwatch League team logos leaked from official app

Blizzard Entertainment/The Overwatch League

One enterprising Redditor has uncovered what appear to be five of the new Overwatch League Team’s logos, which potentially means we now know every team in the League’s branding except for Vancouver, which was not included in the leak.

The logos were posted to Reddit by user BetterFixThat on the Overwatch League Subreddit, who said they found them in the Overwatch League Apps API.

We’ll start off in China, which has three teams joining the Overwatch League this year, Hangzhou appear to be the “Spark”, featuring a pointing hand with kind of an electrical discharge surrounding it.

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The Hangzhou Spark’s logo.

Guangzhou are the “Charge” and features another of those beloved logos made out of letters, Guangzhou have been going by the moniker “Team GZ” in the absence of an official name so far, so this branding at least fits the theme they were already going with.

Guangzhou’s Overwatch League branding.

Next is the Chengdu “Hunters”, which features a color scheme similar to the Seoul Dynasty, gold and black. They also get extra style points for including a panda as their logo, because who doesn’t love pandas? 

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The logo for the Chengdu “Hunters” Overwatch League team.

Paris is next, featuring the name “Eternal” and with a maroon, stylized rooster for the logo. The ‘Gallic Rooster’ is a symbol of France, which is why you see the French national football and rugby teams wear a rooster on their kit.

The Paris “Eternal” Overwatch League logo.

Finally, we head back to the states to look at the Washington “Justice”, whose logo is a shield featuring imagery from the U.S. flag and capitol city. It kind of looks like it could be the logo of a startup American Football league that plays in the spring or something like that.

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Logo for the Washington “Justice” Overwatch League Team.

Since these leaks are from the official OWL app’s API, they have much more credibility than a random 4chan post, but there are still probably some people wishing Toronto had gone with the “Venom” for a team name.

Overwatch League doesn’t get started until 2019, but now that these logos are out, we’ll have to see how long the remaining teams wait to do their “official” branding reveals.