Reinhardt gets his own Shield Bash in the Workshop

Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch Workshop master DarwinStreams has finally given Reinhardt players their own version of Brigitte’s Shield Bash to let them take some frustration out.

Ever since Brigitte came out, her Shield Bash has given tank players nightmares and provided endless amounts of frustration, along with all of the other crowd control abilities out there.

So DarwinStreams, who’s made a ton of great Workshop modes already, decided to give Reinhardt the same ability his ward Brigitte has and it looks incredibly satisfying for tank players.

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Now Reinhardt can finally do the stunning.

Right back at ya

Brigitee’s Shield Bash does a small amount of damage and stuns whichever hero it hits, it used to be able to stun right through a shield like Reinhardt’s, but thankfully Blizzard patched that out.

Now, to let tank players get a little bit of payback, DarwinStreams gave Reinhardt his own Shield Bash and it looks very satisfying to test out against a helpless Brigitte bot.

Instead of being stunned, Reinhadt can now dish it out his own Shield Bashes, which would definitely make poking DPS think twice about getting too close.

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The Shield Bash/Hammer Down combo looks nasty as well and makes us wish Reinhardt actually had this ability available in-game. Even though it’s only a workshop mod, it still looks like a ton of fun.

For players who want to try out Reinhardt’s Shield Bash, the code is: 5GQB8.

What’s next for Overwatch?

Besides the Workshop, Blizzard has also been rolling out new Replay features for Overwatch League and Overwatch and there’s a good chance the main-game tool will leave the PTR, with the OWL version going live on June 12.

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There’s also a new hero headed to Overwatch sometime this summer, but Director Jeff Kaplan didn’t get any more specific than that.

2019 is looking like a big year for Overwatch and now Reinhardt players finally have a great way to get rid of at least some of their tilt.