Pro Lucio shows why retreating boop kills can win Overwatch points

Jazzy Lucio on Kings Row in OverwatchBlizzard Entertainment

Getting kills in Overwatch is everything and as pro Lucio player Brice ‘FDGod’ Monsçavoir showed in his match against the Washington Justice, sometimes the late ones are real backbreakers.

Sunday’s Overwatch League playoff matchups saw one of the favorites in the Paris Eternal match up against the Justice in what many was expecting to be a lopsided affair.

With the Justice ahead 1-0 in the series and Paris struggling to capture point A on Numbani, FDGod took matters into his own hands.

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As time ticked down to just over one minute remaining in the Eternal’s attack, the French team had no choice but to reset after losing yet another team fight.

Lucio speeds around TempleBlizzard Entertainment
Lucio can be one of the hardest supports to kill.

However, right after doing so, the Justice stars in Gui-un ‘Decay’ Jang and Hyeon-Woo ‘JJANU’ Choi tried to get back to the high ground where FDGod was there to capitalize.

Amusingly, the support’s name wasn’t in the kill feed so his heroic double boop kill wasn’t picked up on right away by the casters. It did, however, pay dividends.

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With Decay and JJANU out of the fight with Ultimates online, the tank line of Washington was left crippled and unable to properly defend. (Segment starts at 36:00)

As a result, a 4v6 ensued with Paris finally able to overcome their foes and capture point A. While they would go on to lose the map and series, the only reason Numbani was even close was because of the sneaky late kills.

This is something that you can easily apply to your games as well. Just take note of when the enemy team thinks they’ve won the fight and pounce when the time is right.

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It’s also worth noting that Decay had a smart play too despite falling to his demise. As he fell, he used Zarya’s right click to damage himself and potentially prevent FDGod’s boop kill from registering, potentially keeping the Lucio from additional Ultimate charge.

Next time you’re in a ranked game, remember these two tips and see if you can make the most out of them.