Philadelphia Fusion’s Eqo takes out enemy Pharmercy during impressive killstreak

Philadelphia Fusion DPS Eqo showed why he’s considered one of the best damage players in the Overwatch League when he wiped out an enemy Pharah/Mercy combo before turning his sights to the rest of his opponents.

Defending on Eichenwalde, Eqo takes aim at a Pharah/Mercy combo attacking over the bridge, he shoots the Pharah right out of the sky before finishing off the opposing Mercy before she has a chance to fly to safety.

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Then it’s the rest of the enemy team’s turn, with Lucio falling almost immediately to a headshot, quickly followed by the opposing Hanzo.

By the time his allied Reinhardt takes out his counterpart, Eqo’s team has already pushed their opponents back towards their own spawn.

As his shots find their targets Eqo is obviously excited, shouting “Oh my god” after he kills the enemy Lucio and starts the rout.

Eqo is currently signed to the Philadelphia Fusion, and there have been no indications he or the team has any different plans heading into next season.

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Overwatch League’s second season doesn’t start until 2019, so Eqo has plenty of time to keep Twitch viewers entertained with clips like these.