Overwatch Workshop Mode demonstrates how to master Symmetra’s turrets

Blizzard Entertainment

An infamous Overwatch creator has made an ingenious Workshop mode to help others master and conquer Symmetra’s turrets.

Ever since Blizzard introduced the Workshop Mode into Overwatch, players have been using their talents to create anything and everything they can think of. 

But without a doubt, the most interesting aspect is when dedicated players make creations that help others master character mechanics in ways never possible before.

Blizzard EntertainmentPlayers can now master Symmetra’s sentry turrets.

“Sentry deployed”

Infamous Overwatch player ‘DarwinStreams’ has a history of guiding and instructing others with his Workshop modes, and now he’s created one that shows you the exact range of Symmetra’s sentry turrets. 

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In a video posted on the Overwatch subreddit, Symmetra’s turrets deploy with a 3D green bubble around them, which highlights the precise range the turret will attack with its laserbeam.

The tutorial video then shows how using previous turrets placed can help players figure out exactly where to put down a new one so that the enemy doesn’t get a second to breathe.

This just demonstrates the full potential of the support character, and if used right, how enemies can be trapped in a cage of never-ending damage. While you can’t see the distance in game, this mode gives those dedicated to training the tools to eventually accurately estimate the distance in the main modes.

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How to play the Symmetra Workshop mode

DarwinStreams later followed his Reddit video up with an update, giving fans of his Workshop creation the code to play it for themselves. He called it his “Sym turrent planner” and said “You can place all 3 turrets to see how their ranges will overlap to find optimal spots.”

He then went on to reveal that Symmetra’s turret range is 10 meters, and that there is a one-second delay before it locks onto an enemy player.

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If you’d like to give his Symmetra practice mode a go, you can do so with code XQD27.

The takeaway from all of this is that Symmetra’s sentry turret range is actually pretty big, and that players should be encouraged to spread them apart further if they want the optimal space to shred their enemies.