Overwatch trick lets support heroes get Ultimates for free

Blizzard Entertainment

In Overwatch, support Ultimates can be the difference between winning and losing team fights. As such, having your ults online more often than your opponents can be crucial over the course of a match, and a neat trick can almost guarantee you’ll have the edge in charge.

Former Overwatch League MVP Sung-hyeon ‘JJoNak’ Bang showed off how to get free support charge by coordinating with his tank player during a match against the Hangzhou Spark.

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While defending on Blizzard World’s streets phase, New York noticed the Spark had a stray Torbjorn turret off away from the battle and capitalized on it still being active while their foes regrouped.

Robert Paul/Blizzard Entertainment
JJoNak was named OWL MVP during season one.

As the rest of the NYXL took up defense positions, Hong-joon ‘HOTBA’ Choi stood in front of the turret to purposefully take damage while JJoNak on the Ana healed him to gain more Ultimate charge.

The moment was detected by OWL fans on Reddit who posted a clip of the interaction taken from the replay viewer. The video shows JJoNak gaining a whopping 25% charge towards his next Nano Boost while the Spark literally gained nothing from having the turret active.

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Jaehwan ‘Adora’ Kang, the Torbjorn player for the Spark, already had his Molten Core Ultimate built up, so he wasn’t gaining anything extra from the damage being done to HOTBA, except, of course, for padding his damage stats.

What makes this even better for New York is that Adora can’t even manually destroy the turret as Overwatch doesn’t let Torbjorn do so if the turret has received or dealt damage with three seconds.

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This trick can easily be applied in your own games too in the event the enemy runs a Torbjorn and/or Symmetra and you find yourself in a position where their turret(s) remains actives despite the fight being over.

Blizzard Entertainment
Torbjorn players should be careful their turrets don’t feed support Ultimates.

Just coordinate with your tank if you’re playing support or vice versa and rake in the rewards. Of course, you should be wary of the possibility that you’d be handing free Ultimate charge to the opposing Torbjorn player too, if you don’t suspect he already has his Molten Core loaded.

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The same strategy would apply with Wrecking Ball’s Minefield too, but turrets work slightly better because you could in theory abuse them for an entire round while the mines disappear after awhile.