Overwatch Summer Games adds new visual updates for Orisa, Soldier, Baptiste skins


The Overwatch Summer Games keeps rolling on with cosmetics to popular characters while giving some skins new details like they have with Orisa, Soldier: 76, and Baptiste.

Blizzard might’ve just seen saved 2021’s content with the Summer Games, and there’s plenty to love in the current season of the game with plenty of Challenges to complete and the return to Lucioball Mode.

But fans have noticed that Blizzard added a few updates to some skins that perfectly fits the themes of Soldier’s Grillmaster, Orisa’s Referee and Baptiste’s Funky skin that are finally in the game.

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Overwatch visual updates

Overwatch Summer Games Referee Orisa

Orisa Referee

Orisa’s Referee skin is one of the best cosmetic-to-character skins to come out in the Overwatch Summer Games, but it was a let down that she couldn’t lean into the uniform’s power.

That’s been corrected with a new ‘Whistle’ emote that makes her halt incoming traffic for a moment then give the all-clear when it’s safe to resume.

Baptiste’s new Disco Ball

When Overwatch announced Baptiste’s Funky skin, everything about the character fit the theme except for his Immortality Field that was still just a generic bot.

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That’s since changed in a major way, with the Immortality Field having been re-skinned to emulate a disco ball.

It’s still an important cooldown, so it shouldn’t be used for just the effect but it’s going to be really tempting.

Soldier: 76 Grillmaster

As a Grillmaster, sometimes you’re by yourself at the party. Luckily, Soldier: 76 brought his own refreshments lest he gets left high and dry at the function.

Basically, his Biotic Field device is now a cola can that has bubbles coming out of it. Now he can heal the team by being the life of the party and being the only one who remembered to bring refreshments.

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These are all just minor cosmetic changes Blizzard implemented, but it’s fun to see these skin updates in Overwatch after fans requested them.