Overwatch streamer explains clever use of mechanics after getting outplayed

Overwatch streamer Daniel ‘FunnyAstro’ Hathaway explained a small but valuable mechanic after getting out-played by an enemy.

FunnyAstro is an Overwatch streamer renowned for his Lúcio play. He recently became the highest-ranked player in the world on the competitive ladder, while simultaneously having three other accounts in the European top ten

Playing his signature pick during a game on Eichenwalde, he tried to 1v1 the enemy Reinhardt but was fairly easily shut down. After his death, however, FunnyAstro explained the thinking behind his attempt, and the clever mechanic the enemy had used to counter him.

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Reinhardt’s hammer, as well as dealing plenty of damage up close, has a knockback effect which, if you time it right, can be used to put distance between you and the Reinhardt by jumping as it hits.

“Normally with hammer swings, you can jump at the same time he swings at you, and it launches you in the direction where the swing was, so you can get away from the second swing,” FunnyAstro explained, revealing that his intention had been to use this mechanic to put distance between himself and the close-ranged Reinhardt.

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Unfortunately, it is also possible for a smart Reinhardt to counter this tactic. By turning away from the Lúcio initially and then only hitting him with the very end of the swing, getting the timing right for the escape becomes almost impossible.

FunnyAstro praised the enemy Reinhardt – whose in-game name mimicked that of the hero, suggesting a specialist – for taking this into account in their engagement to pull off a well-earned out-play.

*Update: January 24*

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Another Overwatch player has put together a useful demonstration explaining exactly how the interaction works between the two heroes.

via Gfycat