Overwatch reveals Summer Games 2020 date alongside Pharah & Echo skins

Overwatch Summer Games 2020Blizzard Entertainment

[jwplayer hRlzg0BA]Overwatch’s 2020 Summer Games event is a go! Blizzard announced that the popular event filled with cosmetics, highlight intros and game modes will be returning in early August.

The Overwatch Summer Games event was the first in-game event ever added. In it, players can earn skins featuring traditional summer attire and even country-specific athletic wear like with the Summer Olympics.

Blizzard announced the event’s return on August 3 by revealing one of the game’s newest legendary skins in the form of a lifeguard Pharah.

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“Start your training for Overwatch Summer Games, arriving on August 4,” the text reads. According to the video, the event will conclude on August 25.

As for the new skin, it features the Egyptian hero dressed as a lifeguard with her hair positioned back.

Just like with most Sigma skins, this version of Pharah doesn’t come with any shoes, so that’s something else to take note of.

The lifeguard skin also has some similarities to the McCree lifeguard skin that debuted a few years ago. With that skin, the precision hitscan cowboy came equipped with a whistle and so too does this version of Pharah.

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In addition to Pharah, Echo also has a new skin in the form of Surf’s Up which transforms Hero 32 into a surfer.


It too is a Legendary skin, which means it will cost 3,000 coins to unlock. Better save up!

Lucio boops a ball in Summer GamesBlizzard Entertainment
Lucio Ball is the big Summer Games mode.

The Overwatch Summer Games will likely also be bringing back the popular Lucio Ball mode. With Lucio Ball, players take control of Lucio and are placed inside a unique arena similar to that of Rocket League. Teams that can boop the most balls into the other team’s net in a certain amount of time will win.

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Lucio Ball also have a competitive game mode, so if you’re feeling up to the task, you can try to reach Top 500 in Lucio Ball if you haven’t been able to in the regular Overwatch game yet.

There’s no telling what other skins we’ll see as part of this event, but hopefully, they’re as impressive as the Pharah Lifeguard one.