Overwatch players explain how to fix problems with DPS Moira


There’s been a split consensus in the Overwatch community on Moira players using the healer as a DPS instead, and people have been suggesting their ways to fix the problem.

Moira is one of Overwatch’s most potent healers and can be a nuisance to deal with because of the Fade ability that lets her navigate chaotic firefights. But even more tempting is the ability to put out a consistent source of damage in such an efficient way.

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This quickly turns into a problem if the Talon agent is using too much of her biotic energy to deal damage instead of replenishing the health bars of her allies.

According to Redditor ‘DarthGrievous,’ the nerf to Moira didn’t really address the root of her problem. They pointed to the hero’s easy mechanical skills that allow “the average player to have practically perfect accuracy with [Moira].”

They suggest that if the Blizzard devs want to actually fix the character, it doesn’t start with reducing her damage output.

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Players are trying to find a balance between Moira’s damage and healing capabilites.

“If Blizzard wants to crack down on DPS Moiras, they should reduce her beam width and buff her damage,” DarthGrievous said. “Thus, good aimers can get more value out of her beam, but pepega players, aka most DPS Moiras, will deal EVEN less damage.”

The proposed changes aren’t with the intent to make her an aim-reliant hero. Instead, it would require a “slightly higher skill floor” for players to be effective with her.

Other people think that there needs to be more measures included in her kit that dissuade players from getting hyper-aggressive. The abilities let her chase isolated opponents with ease while having a pretty reliable escape option.

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Moira DPS limits her heals since her resources are going to damage dealing purposes.

An alternate route to balancing Moira could be to give her scaling damage depending on how much she’s healed in the game.

“She should have to do healing to charge her damage,” user ‘FalmerEldritch’ explained. “Like have her do a flat 25 DPS if she hasn’t healed anyone in ten seconds, then charge up to a max of 50 DPS for a moment if she’s just spunked her whole healing capacity on heavily damaged tanks.”

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While DPS Moira isn’t all that prevalent or broken, it could pose a problem for Overwatch teams if their healer is prioritizing being a damage dealer. The changes Blizzard has made to the hero might not be enough to deter the play-style, but the devs have plenty of inventive ways to try out if they want to look for a fix.