Overwatch player pulls off perfect Mario theme cover on Paris pianos

Blizzard / Nintendo

An impressive Overwatch workshop creation has transformed Mario’s iconic theme song into a piano spectacle for the ages in Paris.

When Paris was first released into the world of Overwatch, players immediately took notice of the interactive piano towards the defending spawn — a piano that functions exactly as you would imagine.

From Pokémon Red and Blue’s theme, to Skyrim and even Dr. Dre, a number of iconic renditions have made their way to the Paris map in Overwatch and the latest piano performance tackles Mario’s unmistakable theme.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Paris made it to the Live game on February 21, 2019.

Thanks to a crafty tool designed by Overwatch community member ‘Scrooged,’ players are able to convert audio files directly into strings of Workshop code. In doing so, bots will fire away at certain piano keys in perfect rhythm, capturing any song or tune that has been converted.

There’s no telling quite how many bots it takes to pull off this authentic cover, though it appears to be a combination of Symmetra’s and Tracers pulling the strings, so to speak.

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Continuing on throughout the entire track, the Workshop creation has no issue keeping up with pace and rhythm as the heroes jostle left and right repeatedly to shoot at the right keys on the piano.

When hosting the lobby with a converted file of your own, you’re also able to adjust the tempo in order to speed up the performance, or slow things down just a notch.

You could even host your own virtual concert with a few friends, simply change the code in the Workshop creator to select a new song and you could be flowing through video game themes ad nauseam

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“I feel like every version of Symmetra is just naturally good at some pre-match minigame,” Reddit user ‘CyClotroniC_’ joked, alluding to the heroes capabilities in Control matchups when hovering the basketball over its hoop.

Who knew that a fully functioning piano in Overwatch could lead to this level of creativity?

Given the freedom to convert just about anything thanks to the powerful tool, the possibilities are seemingly endless for Overwatch players.

Not the first time that Overwatch has mixed with this particular franchise however, another Workshop mode aimed to capture the chaotic gameplay of Mario-Kart, pitting heroes against one another in a heated race.

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