Overwatch player finally gets B.O.B. to do something useful

Blizzard Entertainment

One Overwatch player has finally managed to unlock the full game-changing potential of Ashe’s sidekick B.O.B. with some help from the enemy team.

Ashe and B.O.B. were introduced at BlizzCon 2018, and ever since the sharpshooting hero has been telling her Omnic butler to do “something” before sending him charging out for her Ultimate.

Like most Ultimate abilities he’s always had plenty of potential when used in the right situation, even if he does like to run off the map from time to time.

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Reddit user Ironut95 definitely managed to make B.O.B. do something, and they got a huge helping hand from the enemy team that turned this into one of the best Ashe Ults we’ve ever seen.

You might miss it at first, but right after Ashe sends out B.O.B. he takes a huge leap forward through the air thanks to a mine from the enemy Junkrat in his path, perfectly detonated as the Omnic charges over it.

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This sends him flying into the defenders’ backline, where an excited Lucio makes one of the worst boops imaginable in this situation – placing what is basically a massive turret perfectly on the payload to cut down his teammates.

To be fair, Lucio was probably pretty shocked to see B.O.B. land from out of nowhere right in front of them, but it might have been a better idea to send him back towards the attacking team, instead of right onto the objective.

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Blizzard Entertainment
B.O.B. finally doing something, you love to see it.

Ashe’s sidekick is considered basically a standalone hero because he can contest the point, and yes, move the payload. He doesn’t get it all the way to the end of Blizzard World’s second stage in this clip, but close enough where it would take a big defensive effort to prevent the payload from advancing.

Ashe’s Ultimate here was looking pretty decent even before the enemy team decided to help out, and that little extra boost just managed to make it into the kind of wild play Overwatch is famous for.

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