Overwatch fans mind blown by incredible game-saving Mercy play

Overwatch fans were stunned by one Mercy’s game-saving Overtime play that allowed her team to push on and secure a win.

Play of the Game highlights in Overwatch are reserved for some of the best highlights moments from a match – be it a full-squad wipe that allows a team to secure a point or booping three players off the map with an ultimate ability.

Fans regularly pull out all the stops in their quest to show off their insane ability during the closing portion of the game – yet, some incredible plays never receive the POTG recognition that they may deserve.

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BlizzardMercy may not be the most powerful Hero but she can produce crazy highlights

Those sort of plays, instead, find themselves dominating the Overwatch subreddit – gaining a ton of admiration from fellow players.

One such highlight, posted by user Chumboo, showcased the Redditor’s ability to help their squad push for an Overtime win on the Eichenwald map. While their team was moving the Payload towards its final target, the player launched their Mercy ultimate – allowing them to fly above the area, while continuing to heal their team.

However, the flying seemed to last forever as the Mercy stuck around in the firefight and made sure their team was healthy as possible as they made their final assault on the point. The victory was secured as the Payload reached it’s target – thanks to the mind-bending play from the Mercy.

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The play may not have won the highly-coveted Play of the Game tag, but it did receive a ton of credit from fans – amassing close to sixteen thousand upvotes on Reddit.

Fans also gushed over the play with their comments on the post. “It should be POTG. Way over a 2 kills Lucio’s boop or a 4 kills Genji’s blade. This is so valuable, especially in overtime. Huge. Well played,” posted user PedroBito.

“Great play! As a Mercy main, I could feel the stress while watching this…but it’s always the most satisfying thing when you can save the point like that,” added another Redditor.  

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With other fans clearly impressed, the Mercy may have a case for being hard done by for not securing the Play of the Game from the match. However, having the respect and admiration of other players will have to suffice in this case.