Overwatch fan creates unbelievable Samurai Hanzo skin concept

Blizzard Entertainment

A pair of 2019 Lunar New Year event so he hasn’t had a drought of new skins like D.Va.

That didn’t stop artist Sunny Hong from coming up with a new completely original Hanzo skin named “Yabusame” after the Japanese horseback archers.

Huang ZhongHuang Zhong Hanzo.

An Oni skin for Hanzo

The Yabusame concept gives Hanzo red samurai armor that would really set it apart from any of his other skins.

Hanzo’s also been given a facemask with a demonic smile, that would make this skin a good counterpart to Genji’s “Oni” skin.

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Even his bow has been redesigned to feature the striped pattern that some traditional Japanese bows do, which makes the attention to detail even more impressive.

The concept definitely fits with Hanzo’s theme as a character, so something like Hong’s skin could find its way to Overwatch eventually.

Sunny Honghttps://www.artstation.com/artwork/Bmno6r

When will we get more new skins?

Luckily, Overwatch fans don’t have to wait long for a new batch of skins with the Anniversary event coming up soon.

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Overwatch’s Anniversary event usually begins a couple of weeks after the Archives event ends. In 2018 Anniversary started on May 22, so we can probably expect a similar start date for 2019.

We don’t have a lot of info on what heroes will be getting new skins, but shortly after Storm Rising came out, Jeff Kaplan teased fans with a new D.Va skin for the Anniversary event that would “break the internet.”

In addition to a much-needed new D.Va skin, all skins from previous events will be available during Overwatch’s Anniversary event.

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