Overwatch fan gives Paris an incredible snowy Winter Wonderland redesign

Paris map with Winter Wonderland redesignBlizzard Entertainment/YouTube/Piston

Overwatch’s Paris map is one of the game’s most controversial, having been pulled from Competitive rotation for some time. While players can still take a tour of the French capital in Quick Play and custom matches, one fan went the extra mile and revamped the map in time for Winter Wonderland.

Certain Overwatch events such as Halloween Terror, Winter Wonderland and Chinese New Year redesign maps to add to the theme. Some of these include Eichenwalde, Blizzard World, Hollywood and now, thanks to one fan, Paris.

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Even though the map itself remains largely the same as its current version, the Christmas theme is evident right off the bat with snow littering the streets, presents piled on top of each other and plenty of decorations.

The redesign, which was created by YouTuber Piston, was all done in the Unreal Engine and it’s been receiving a lot of praise online.

Winter Wonderland Paris versionBlizzard Entertainment/YouTube/Piston
Paris looks amazing with snow on the ground.

Best of all is the fact that none of the winter assets seem out of place at all, with the snowmen found around the map looking just like those in other Christmas-themed Overwatch maps.

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The police station now has a large tree inside of it, the first point is covered by snow, and even Nutcracker Zenyatta ornaments are hung up inside of the mansion by the second objective. The ornaments, of course, being a bit of a meta joke to the hero’s Winter Wonderland skin from a couple years ago.

Perhaps the best part of the whole redesign is the Christmas lights wrapped around the Eiffel Tower in the background, which serves as an iconic backdrop to the first objective.

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Over on Reddit, fans praised the design. “Could barely tell it was fan-made, great job!” one remarked.

“I hope we get a map editor at some point in [Overwatch 2]. And real scripting for the Workshop would be amazing,” another chimed in.

A map editor is something that a lot of fans have hoped for and unfortunately, the lack of one means that the Winter Wonderland Paris design isn’t playable in any capacity. Maybe once Overwatch 2 is released, fans can start to dig into those tools and bring this redesign to life in-game.

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