Overwatch devs explain why Pharah’s experimental buff has been disabled

Pharah on RialtoBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch players excited about a new buff to Pharah on the Experimental Mode won’t be pleased to know that the developers have disabled it.

The November 12 Overwatch update introduced a long-awaited fix to the rocket queen, allowing her to crouch mid-air to accelerate her fall.

For Pharah players, being able to fast fall to avoid damage has long been a dream. And while Blizzard gave it to them for a day, it was taken away a mere twenty-four hours later.

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According to Overwatch Community Manager Josh Nash, the buff was disabled because it was causing issues for some users.

Pharah's emerald skinBlizzard Entertainment
Pharah is going to remain a bit more vulnerable for now.

“We have disabled the ability for Pharah to be able to crouch to accelerate downward with her Hover Jets,” he wrote.

While players may not be able to test the update in the Experimental Mode anymore, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost for those wanting to rule the skies once again.

As Nash further noted, this change “may return at a later date for further testing once this issue has been addressed.”

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Bye Pharah buffsBlizzard Entertainment
Josh Nash explained why Pharah’s buff was pulled.

It’s unclear what exactly the issues were that some were experiencing. But, as you can see in the following video, the changes seemed to be working quite well – at least for the Pharah.

Pharah finds herself in a weird spot in Overwatch considering the state of hitscan DPS. Widowmaker, Ashe and McCree are all quite good at dealing with the aerial menace. Plus, Soldier 76’s latest buffs make him a threat to her, as well.

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On the tank and support front, D.Va has the mobility and damage to nullify Pharah, while Ana and Baptiste have tools to shut her down.

This experimental buff would have given her some new tricks to better deal with incoming damage and make her more viable in the current meta. Regardless, hopefully, Blizzard finds a way to implement the intended change in the near future.