Overwatch devs clarify upcoming Cassidy event won’t “celebrate” McCree name change

New Overwatch story event with cole cassidyBlizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch devs have revealed new details about an upcoming story event featuring the cowboy hero now known as Cole Cassidy.

Prior to McCree’s rename to Cole Cassidy, the Overwatch devs explained that they had a story arc planned that had to be delayed due to drama at the company.

With Blizzard removing references to real people within their games, this meant that the developer whose name was borrowed for the cowboy hero would need to be changed.

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Now, with fans inquiring when the event will happen, the developers have teased some new details about it while clearing up some misconceptions.

McCree rename in OverwatchBlizzard Entertainment
The cowboy hero’s name was changed from McCree to Cole Cassidy.

Overwatch story event won’t “reveal” new name

According to Overwatch Community Manager AndyB, the upcoming event isn’t designed to “celebrate” the name change in any capacity.

“The upcoming Cassidy event is not to reveal his new name, nor do we intend to have Cowboy’s new name be a celebratory moment,” he revealed.

When Blizzard first announced the name change, they also said they pushed the story arc back because McCree was a key part of it and claimed they wanted to “integrate this change into that story arc.”

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Andy addressed this in the forums, writing, “What’s most likely driving confusion is the fact that we decided to delay the original event to account for the updated name.”

When will the Overwatch story arc go live?

As for if the story would feature Reaper or other Blackwatch characters, Andy simply replied: “No spoilers shall ye find from me.”

It’s unclear if this event is tied to a comic or will be a playable mission like the Archives modes, but getting any new Overwatch lore is always a good thing.

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So far, there’s no indication as to when the story event will happen, but considering it was originally intended for September, it might end up happening in November once the Halloween event is no longer available.