Overwatch Developer Update confirms when Ashe releases on PTR

Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan announced in a Developer’s Update on Monday that the game’s newest hero: Ashe, would be coming to the PTR the same day, Monday, November 5.

Ashe was revealed during the BlizzCon opening ceremonies in a new McCree cinematic called ‘Reunion’, which also introduced another new character, Echo.

Kaplan said Ashe will come into Overwatch as a damage or DPS hero, wielding her Viper rifle, which can be shot from the hip or zoomed in using alternate fire to look down the sights.

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Kaplan describes her kit in detail in the update, including her secondary abilities, the Coach Gun, which can create distance and serve as a mobility tool for Ashe, and Dynamite, a timed explosive that deals high damage and can be shot by Ashe to explode right away.

Her ultimate calls in her Omnic butler B.O.B., who acts like a seventh hero combined with a beefier Torbjörn turret.

With Ashe coming to the PTR just one day after BlizzCon, it looks like fans didn’t have long to wait, just like when Moira was revealed at Blizzard’s annual convention.

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“Have fun playing Ashe,” Kaplan wished fans at the end of the video, based on the response already to her release, that shouldn’t be a problem, Jeff.