Overwatch developer provides possible hint for Echo’s kit

Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch developer Geoff Goodman may have provided players with a hint towards what could be included in Echo’s kit in a post on abilities and weapons devs haven’t used yet.

Echo was first revealed to Overwatch players all the way back in 2018 with Ashe and McCree’s “Reunion” animated short at BlizzCon.

Since then she’s popped up in the Overwatch 2 cinematic trailer and has been confirmed as an upcoming hero by developers, although no date or time frame has been given for her release.

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Even though we don’t know when she could be joining the cast of Overwatch heroes, there have been theories flying around about what kind of role she might take when she comes out.

Now sharp-eyed fans have found a post from March 2019 where developer Geoff Goodman listed a few of the “unused ability and weapon prototypes” that the game developers have made over the years.

It’s definitely cool to hear about what kinds of things the game’s developers come up with, but some players thing Goodman’s comments might contain a hint at Echo’s upcoming kit as well.

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Geoff Goodman

The ability that stood out to most players was the so-called “Bomblet Gun” which fires low-damage projectiles that stick to enemies and would allow players to detonate all of the bombs at once.

Goodman said at the time of the post in 2019 that the team hadn’t been able to find a hero that fits the weapon just yet, but after seeing the Overwatch 2 trailer at BlizzCon 2019, the Bomblet Gun could be similar to how Echo’s weapon will operate.

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If we look at the “Zero Hour” cinematic for 2, Echo shows up at around 5:12 into the video, and uses a weapon that fires energy projectiles that seem to stick to enemies before detonating all at once, just like Goodman’s “Bomblet Gun.”

Credit for putting these pieces together goes to Reddit user sniperq4010, who made the connection and posted their findings to the Competitive Overwatch subreddit.

Timestamp at 5:12 for mobile viewers.

Only time will tell if Echo will actually come with some form of the weapon, but she does seem to be using something pretty similar in the Zero Hour short which is really the first time we’ve seen her in action since she was revealed.

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The other ability Goodman mentions is a wall that makes allied players behind it invisible to enemies, which sounds almost cooler than the Bomblet Gun.

“Invis Wall” could also be another one of Echo’s abilities, for all we know, so it will be very interesting to see what she ends up having in her kit at release.