Overwatch console players actually beat a PC team, but there’s a catch

Overwatch console players vs pc in crossplayBlizzard Entertainment

For years, many in the Overwatch community automatically assumed that PC players could easily outperform their console counterparts thanks to the advantages that are afforded to them with mouse and keyboard. Now, that debate has been settled with some unexpected results.

Overwatch’s new Crossplay feature has finally allowed Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC users to compete against each other in Quick Play and Custom Game matches. Educational Twitch streamer SVB decided to use this to his advantage by holding what he dubbed the “Crossplay Challenge.”

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Basically, a team of Gold, Platinum, and then Diamond console players would compete against PC players of the same rank. If the console team lost, they’d play a team a rank lower than they are, all the way down to Bronze if need be.

After the Diamond console team originally lost to their mouse and keyboard counterparts in the same rank, they amazingly were able to successfully beat their Platinum PC opponents by full holding them on Rialto.

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While this was certainly a huge victory for console players, the rest of the matches for the other ranks left quite a bit to be desired and show that there is still a significant gap between the platforms.

Before the Diamond team got their big win, a team of Golds were the first up to compete and ended up losing, but not just to a team of Gold PC players. They ended up losing to a Silver Squad and eventually even to Bronze players in a 3-2 heartbreaker on Route 66.

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Meanwhile, the Platinum Overwatch team lost to PC Plats and Golds, but managed to hold their own against Silvers on King’s Row to come out on top.

Overwatch CrossplayBlizzard Entertainment
Crossplay was one of the most requested Overwatch features.

So, despite the Diamond console team having the best result of the bunch by a fairly wide margin, it’s wild to see how much different things are when it comes to lower ranks and how far apart in skill they are compared to PC.

Hopefully, we can see more of these Crossplay Challenges in the future and see how higher ranks of console players can perform against their PC nemeses.

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