Overwatch community pays tribute as beloved streamer Joomla passes away


The Overwatch community is mourning the passing of Joomla, a beloved streamer known for spreading good vibes while streaming high-skill ranked games, and fans have paid tribute en masse.

Overwatch streamers play a vital role in the community, including Joomla, who provided his 50,000 followers with countless hours of enjoyment, and they adored him for it. But sadly, he’s no longer with us.

A community member broke the news on Joomla’s discord, saying: “I’m so terribly sorry to let everyone know this. I’ve never had to deliver news like this. I’ll spare everyone the details because it’s a sensitive matter, and it doesn’t feel right that I, of all people, would be the first to know.

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“Unfortunately, Joom is no longer with us. As I receive any news or updates, I will let everyone know, but as of right now, I think we need to give the matter some time. Let his family and close ones process this, and let us all mourn as a community.”

Once the message was out, heartfelt tributes came pouring in. The first was from a friend, ‘b00st3d,’ who said: “He helped me through so much, cared for me, and defended me time and time again. He was really an empathetic man, and I respect that so f**king much.”

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Another friend, EeveeA, followed suit. “I wouldn’t be who I am without him,” she said.

“He felt like an older brother, he gave me so much life advice that I think of nearly every day and shaped who I have become as a person.”

Noonie, who was also close with him, added: “Joomla, you are the greatest friend anyone could have asked for. I am honored and happy to have had the privilege of calling you one of my closest friends. I will cherish all the moments we spent playing and talking together.”

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However, it wasn’t only friends coming forward with messages about his passing. Countless fans did too. It’s clear he positively influenced countless lives he touched throughout his time as a streamer, and he’ll be dearly missed.