Overwatch clip shows how melee can be used in a pinch

Blizzard Entertainment

Melee attacks might not deal a ton of damage in Overwatch, but a new clip does a great job of showing why the universal ability is so useful.

Every hero except for Reinhardt and Brigitte, who are melee characters to begin with, can use the quick attack to deal 30 damage to enemies.

It’s particularly useful for finishing off low-health foes, but melee strikes also provide a touch of knockback, and it can actually be extremely beneficial to get a hang of it.

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Blizzard Entertainment
Melee attacks might not seem like much, but they can make a big difference.

As Reddit user Drunken_Queen demonstrated, when used near a ledge, melees give any hero the chance at those sweet environmental kills.

The cooldown on Queen’s coach gun was active when they ran into a sneaky Roadhog hiding on the low, direct route to spawn on Busan’s Mecha Base.

Hog got the better of Ashe at first and hit her with the hook, but a desperate melee attack from the Deadlock Gang leader ended up being a saving grace. After escaping with a sliver of health, Queen was able to send B.O.B. onto the point, before hopefully grabbing a health pack.

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If Roadhog himself had meleed quick enough, then they might have been the one to survive this encounter instead of Ashe.

Hitting enemies off of the side isn’t the only use for these attacks ,though. If an enemy’s trying to push through a shield or barrier, it could be used to temporarily keep them on their side.

Blizzard Entertainment
Most melee attacks in Overwatch provide some kind of knockback when they hit.

The distance that enemies are actually knocked back is extremely small though, so don’t expect anything close to Lucio’s Boop happening when you use it.

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Plenty has changed over the years in Overwatch, but melee attacks have remained basically the same since the game came out. That doesn’t mean to say it’s become any less useful, as this clips showed.