Overwatch bug lets Tracer pass through Blizzard World walls

Blizzard Entertainment

With every patch update, Blizzard has to fix Tracer’s ability to blink into “unintended locations.” As fans have now discovered a new bug on Blizzard World, that cycle is poised to repeat.

Tracer is a crafty character. She can teleport through the air, rewind time and, now, apparently, she is also able to squeeze through otherwise impermeable ceilings and walls.

In one example, discovered by Redditor ‘EntenDNA,’ Tracer is able to squeeze through the ceiling of the “Pylon Terrace” structure in Blizzard world, just past the first point, and fall to the floor below.

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Properly positioned, a Tracer can maneuver herself so that she is able to fall the architecture, traversing through a limbo of cement and steel, before dropping to the lower level. Neither the starting point nor the ending point are ineligible locations, but the route is most certainly out of bounds.

Blizzard has enlisted a two-fold approach to adjusting Tracer in their latest patches. In their April 14th patch, the hero’s blink received a quality-of-life improvement so that it would feel more accurate and natural. 

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Specifically, this enabled her to “blink around and over obstacles more easily to move towards the crosshair.” 

Blizzard Entertainment
Tracer’s blink ability allows her to teleport instantaneously in the direction that the player’s crosshair is pointed.


In the latest April 21st patch, they simply fixed a bug that allowed the game’s most mobile character to “blink to an unintended location on Hollywood.”

Teleportation and time travel are… complicated. It’s no wonder that there are issues with ensuring consistency and realistic travel for a character whose base abilities already defy common logic. 

On the plus side, with Tracer currently being banned from Competitive and Overwatch League play, at least Blizzard has time to fix this bug before it gets taken advantage of. 

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Blizzard Entertainment
Overwatch’s Hollywood map, the last location to prompt a fix for an unintended Tracer movement bug.


Sure, it’s not the most practical bug to abuse—but, can you imagine the outrage one would feel if they got stuck with a pulse bomb from the ceiling? Not a pulse bomb appearing out of thin air, but instead from very real, very solid construction. 

Honestly, it would make for one of the funniest highlights ever—so here’s to hoping someone can pull that off before the bug inevitably gets fixed in the next patch.

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