Overwatch 2 Xbox players stun pro PC team in crossplay showdown: “I respect console now”

console overwatch 2 team vs pc contenders prosBlizzard Entertainment

An Overwatch 2 console team showed why you shouldn’t underestimate controller players after they took a pro PC Contenders squad to the limit in a crossplay match.

Despite being available on Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, Overwatch 2 is widely considered to be a primarily PC game when it comes to pro play, especially due to the advantages of using a mouse and keyboard.

So, just how good are console Overwatch players? That’s exactly the question Twitch streamer Jay3 set out to answer when he hosted a special showmatch between top console gamers and Contenders team WISP.

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While many may have expected the PC pros to completely dominate their opponents, this actually wasn’t the case at all, leaving the Overwatch 2 community amazed at just how skilled console players are on the sticks.

Underdog OW2 console players shock pro Contenders team

The closely-contested first-to-three series began on Oasis with the console players in blue and WISP in red, but right away the Xbox squad made a big impression.

Even as the point unlocked and both teams running heroes with huge one-shot capabilities, the console team looked composed and didn’t lose a single player for quite some time.

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This early stalemate was a sign of things to come. Although the PC pros took the first game, the console gamers were actually able to even things up on Hollywood – a fitting map given the circumstances.

A big reason for the console team’s success came when Afersie and Delenaa whipped out every console player’s worst nightmare: Pharah-Mercy. The players and their team earned POTG honors when they captured point A with a damage-boosted Rocket Barrage.

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Unfortunately for the console stars, the dream died after consecutive map losses, ending the series with WISP taking it 3-1, but it was a lot closer than the final score may suggest.

Speaking to Dexerto, Console Gaming League’s CTO ‘Headrammer’ explained that the console team “doesn’t scrim” and even had two of their players taken out last second. Therefore, the console team was actually playing at a huge disadvantage.

Jay3, a former pro player himself, was very impressed with the console squad’s performance and gushed a bit after the match.

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“I came into this not liking console, because I’m a PC player, but I respect console. That was a really intense and fun few games that I just witnessed!” he praised.

Luckily, it’s looking like the streamer plans to do more of these crossplay battles in the future, so we might not have long to wait to see another head-to-head between console’s best and PC’s aspiring pros.