Overwatch 2 pro team pulls off absurd backcap that stunned everyone


A Japanese Overwatch 2 team just pulled off one of the most absurd backcaps imaginable, enough to make you cringe. 

There is no greater humiliation in Overwatch than C9-ing, or essentially, letting your opponents backcap without your attention. In the chaotic game that is Overwatch 2, we can sometimes forget that winning the game revolves around the objective, not killing your opponents. 

However, this rookie mistake happened at one of the highest tiers of competition Overwatch has to offer, as a professional team accidentally let their opponents pull off one of the longest, most absurd backcaps in the game’s history. 

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On the final day of the Group Stage in OWCS Japan, Insomnia and Namekuji Brothers played their match, however, on map two on Kings Row, it seems Namekuji would fail to capture the second point as Insomnia started spawn camping them with 30 seconds left. 

Namekuji’s Tracer, Bambie, touched the point to get some progress in. Usually at this point in pro matches, the defending team would fall back, giving some space to the attackers to mount a final fight after realizing someone’s on point. 

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However, Insomnia completely disregarded the Tracer touching the point, choosing to focus on spawncamping instead. And as the observers cut to Bambie slowly pushing the cart, we can hear the casters lose their minds laughing as Namekuji somehow captures the second point despite the bulk of their team being spawncamped. 

Luckily for Namekuji, capping second point snowballed into making a full push through the map. But even with this miracle, they wouldn’t come out of Kings Row victorious. Nor would they come out the series winning, ending in a 3-1 for Insomnia. 

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Namekuji has become famous as a team of one-tricks, with a Tank that only plays Roadhog and a support that only plays Lifeweaver. Despite that, Namekuji has already embedded themselves in the hearts of all OWCS viewers, not only for the absurd backcap.