Overwatch 2 players want Reinhardt buff against burrowing Venture

Overwatch 2 VentureBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 players demanded a Reinhardt buff against Ventures using Burrow, complaining that the Earthshatter ultimate should hit them underground.

Tanks have been struggling to find their place in the new Overwatch 2 5v5 meta, especially after the Season 9 update that introduced a new DPS passive.

Now Reinhardt players are complaining about the new close-quarters combat DPS hero, Venture.

Venture’s abilities center around everything drilling and mining related, and it’s their Burrow ability that lets them go underground that’s frustrating Reinhardts worldwide.

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Reinhardt’s Earthshatter ultimate shatters the earth and causes massive cracks deep in the ground – so why aren’t burrowing Ventures hit by the ability? Many players were lost for an answer to this question, and were extremely upset.

[These are the] 2 Venture changes I’d make to their Burrow,” proposed one player.

“It should go underneath Mei’s Walls. Mei can block an underground Venture with an overground wall? Nah. Earth Shatter should work on Venture. Earth Shatter shatters the Earth. Venture is IN the Earth. Venture should just die instantly from a cave-in or organ rupture from the blast,” they continued to complain.

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Other people in the Overwatch community overwhelmingly agreed that there needs to be a fix for the current interaction between Venture’s Burrow ability and Reinhardt’s Earthshatter ability.

Overwatch 2 Reinhardt mains were even more furious when they discovered that Venture’s Ultimate ability targeted enemy burrowed Ventures, yet the hammer-wielding Knight’s Earthshatter could not.

“Weird how Rein can’t shatter it but tectonic shock works on the enemy Venture when they’re in the ground and damages him” said one person. “My boy Reinhardt is being bullied so damn hard,” agreed another.

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Still, while those who aren’t interested in Venture have been complaining about their Overwatch 2 abilities, those lucky players who have managed to test them out have mentioned that they are massively fun to play.