Overwatch 2 players want Mercy’s “unfun” pocket abilities replaced

Overwatch 2 mercy allstar skinBlizzard Entertainment

The Overwatch 2 devs are being urged to rework some of Mercy’s abilities as players insist that the hero is unfun to play against or as.

Mercy has been one of Overwatch’s most popular heroes since its release. Despite receiving a big rework in the first game with Resurrection being moved to a standard cooldown ability, players believe that the hero is in line for more changes.

The big problem comes from the fact that her abilities can be quite oppressive. Damaging boosting certain heroes, such as Sojourn, can buff their damage to the point where it’ll kill many of the game’s cast.

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Resurrection, on the other hand, is readily available for every team fight and can effectively erase an important man advantage with relative ease. As such, players are asking for some updates to her kit.

Overwatch 2 devs urged to rework Mercy to be more fun

In a post making rounds in the Overwatch community, Twitch streamer ‘eskay’ voiced her opinions on the support hero and how she doesn’t believe Mercy is fun to play against.

“Does anyone have fun playing against Pharah Mercy? What about Mercy Echo? Mercy Widow? Mercy Sojourn?” she rhetorically asked. “What about when she resurrects an effective 1000 HP tank after your team committed all your abilities to killing them?”

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Eskay further added that while she wasn’t attacking Mercy mains, she would like to see some changes made to the character in a future update.

“Her abilities need change without making her unfun to play and she should be a good hero that’s always playable, just like every other hero,” she explained. “Of course Sojourn and Echo are problematic but not nearly as problematic as when they’re pocketed.”

According to the streamer, Blizzard has created a problem with DPS heroes being balanced, because of how Mercy affects them when they’re being damage boosted or pocketed.

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Mercy players respond to calls for OW2 rework

The community discussion regarding Mercy has resulted in those who play the hero pitching their own ideas for a rework and what they’d like to see done.

Twitch streamer ‘Skiesti’ commented that, while she “doesn’t care if DMG boost or Rez get replaced/reworked as long as Mercy is still playable”, she’d like it if the hero got an ability she could use more often.

Mercy in Overwatch 2Blizzard Entertainment
Mercy mains want to see some changes to the support hero.

The discussion continued on Reddit, with players chiming in and pitching a variety of concepts such as a new damage-dealing secondary fire and moving Resurrect to an ultimate ability.

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“Just make her attack speed boost,” one suggested.

“Personally I’d like to see her ability to pocket Pharah or any one target specifically reduced somewhat, and then maybe Pharah could get some changes that didn’t have to account for that overbearing combo,” another wrote.

While Blizzard hasn’t commented on the possibility of reworking Mercy, they do have some big changes lined up to multiple heroes in 2023. Notably, on the support site, both Brigitte and Moira will be getting revamped at some point.

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On the DPS side, Sombra and Cassidy will also be getting some updates, but players may need to wait until at least Season 4 for them to be implemented.

In any case, we’ll have to see what the devs have in store with the mid-season patch later this month and if they address the popular support hero in a future developer update.