Overwatch 2 players use Mauga Ult to instantly wipe teams and fly cross-map

Mauga ultimate lets him fly and kill entire teamsOverwatch 2

During the short time Mauga has been in Overwatch 2, players have already gotten up to some shenanigans with his Ultimate and have discovered ways to send him to the stratosphere.

Mauga’s surprise release has players experimenting with him as much as they can during his short trial period, with many curious about how viable he’ll be when his final release comes in December.

While he’s a fairly straightforward tank for the most part, his Ultimate has a surprising amount of mechanical depth. There are several bizarre interactions with his Ultimate as far as who can escape it and who can’t, but the most interesting thing about it is what the cage itself can do to Mauga.

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He’s bound to the cage when he throws it out just like all other enemies within, but those bindings are a bit stronger for Mauga than they are for everyone else. So strong that they’re able to send him flying into the stratosphere.

Bizarre Mauga interactions let him wipe teams and soar above the clouds

Mauga’s ultimate, Cage Fight, allows him to trap all enemies inside with the tradeoff that he is also trapped in there with them. The part about everyone being trapped in there with him sounded appealing to players, with many trying to use his Ult in combination with platforms to drop people off the map.

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Unfortunately, the height difference makes that impossible with a platform. This isn’t a very effective strategy unless you’re looking to speedrun your way to the bottom of a well.

However, Mauga can drop his cage off the map and drag everyone else with him.

If you jump just right and Ult, you can do what can only be described as a Looney Tunes move and dunk everyone around you off the map along with you. As long as you’re okay with knowing full well you’re going to die, this can be an incredible way to wipe a team.

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Or you can use it to dangle yourself and enemies off the edge of a cliff. It’s a bit grim but still possible and, in some scenarios, effective.

But that’s not all, he can also use his Ultimate to catapult himself across the map. Though it’s hard to imagine any of these rollouts being used in a practical match, there are rare occasions that this could be used to make it somewhere before OT runs out.

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With players discovering so much Mauga tech in his short Overwatch 2 release window, there’s bound to be more hidden quirks in his kit that players discover once he’s fully released.