Overwatch 2 players stunned by effortless Sigma ult counter with Lifeweaver

Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2Blizzard

Overwatch 2 players are stunned by how effortless it is to counter Sigma’s ultimate with Lifeweaver’s abilities, and all it takes is good reactions. 

When players got to try out Lifeweaver in Overwatch, much of the community came to the early conclusion that he was a troll pick. Despite his kit on paper sounding extremely useful for a team, it on many occasions has led to trolling and painful losses

Despite the occasional trolling, however, if a team can work together, his Lifegrip can easily save teammates from death and Petal Platform can make certain heroes ultimates completely useless, such as a Zarya Grav or Orisa Terra Surge.

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To add to the list of ults his abilities can counter, players are now discovering that you can easily cancel Sigma’s ult as well. 

In a Twitter post by an Overwatch player by the name of Confusion, they showed off how Lifeweaver can completely negate Sigma’s flux just by putting his Petal Platform in the center of the ult, thanking Vegas Eternal player Rakattack for showing them the tech. 

“What kind of f***ing magic is that s***,” a user questioned in response. With Rakattack simply replying to Confusion’s tweet, “we have started the uprising, play Lifeweaver now!”

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However, that isn’t the only Lifeweaver ability that can negate Sigma’s flux. His ult, Tree of Life, can also completely cancel it. Once again, all you need to do is put it in the middle of the flux. 

This was shown off by a user in the Overwatch subreddit. But, there’s a catch, as the clip shows his allied Lifeweaver blocking it. Yes, your own Lifeweaver can completely counter your Sigma flux. 

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As a player aptly describes Lifeweaver’s combination of troll and save potential, “This is like a great Lifeweaver showcase. Saves you sometimes, f***s you over some other time.” 

As for why it blocks it, it is most likely due to an object, this case being Lifeweaver’s platform or tree, blocking line of sight of the center of the ult. To lift a player up, a character will need to have LOS of the center, but if the center is completely covered, it is canceled. 

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