Overwatch 2 players plead for Pink Mercy return on 5th Anniversary of iconic skin

Pink mercy ow skinBlizzard Entertainment

Mercy mains who didn’t unlock the special Pink Mercy Overwatch skin years ago are pleading with Blizzard to bring it back on the fifth anniversary of its release.

In Overwatch history, there is one skin more sought after than the rest and fans have been eager for Blizzard to finally see it return to no avail.

Back in 2018, Overwatch and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation teamed up with the release of the Pink Mercy skin and it sold like hotcakes, leading to over $12.7M being raised.

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Now, five years later, the skin has yet to ever come back, but fans are hoping that this year will be different and made their voice heard on social media.

Overwatch 2 fans demand return of Pink Mercy after five years

In response to a tweet by Overwatch Cavalry discussing the skin’s fifth-year anniversary, players urged for the limited-time skin to show up once more.

“I’m so sad I don’t have the skin I don’t know why I missed out on it but still hope it comes back someday,” one player wrote.

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Another even revealed they were offered a big chunk of cash for their account, because they had the skin unlocked: “I had someone DM me and offered me $400 just cuz he wanted my account with this skin.”

Others remarked how even if Pink Mercy doesn’t come back, OW2 should still do other charity events in the future.

“Still hoping for a return of this skin line/idea,” a fan commented. “Trevor Project Pride skin for example. Prostate Cancer, Mental Health, ANYTHING.”

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Luckily, fans may get their wish. Back in June of 2022, Senior Character Artist Bryan Bedford said the team wants to “push hard” for charity events.

With an Overwatch 2 Pride event coming soon as well, hopefully we won’t have long to wait before we see something new on the table for players to give to charity while also getting a shiny new cosmetic.