Overwatch 2 players humbled by Blizzard employee’s response to “toxicity”

A screenshot of Mei crying from the Overwatch Rise and Shine cinematic.Blizzard

An Overwatch player appealing their ban claims they didn’t cross a line. As opposed to an automated response, they received something far more intriguing from Blizzard themselves.

Since the early days of Overwatch, toxicity has always been one of the issues plaguing the game. The problem seems to become more apparent given that Overwatch 2 is free-to-play, with players reportedly going as far as exploiting in-game voice lines to tilt others.

Of course, Blizzard has taken measures to alleviate this problem, but it goes without saying that the overall reporting system isn’t perfect. Recently, it’s also been made known that a player got banned for typing “GG” and “yipppeee,” leading to the community believing that the internal system is being run by bots. 

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In a surprising turn of events, another player spoke up about their experience regarding the report system, sharing that they received an actual response from a human being that managed to humble the community.

In a Reddit post, a user ‘cnstnsr’ admitted that they used to be toxic in chat a few months back due to having an “especially rough time.” As a result, Blizzard penalized them by giving them a month-long ban.

Following the situation, they decided to send a ban appeal since they believed they didn’t cross a line due to saying “typical in-game banter.” Surprisingly, this was met with a lengthy response detailing their actions in an eye-opening way.

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Instead of getting a generic automated response, it started with, “Hey. I checked out the action of your account and can confirm it was correct and was for being toxic.” Then, the person proceeded to elaborate on how “standard, good-natured trash-talking” can hurt other players.

According to them, the player’s real problem was constantly being mass-reported by other players due to them believing that they’re better than others.

“Skillwise, you very well could be. However, it is not your duty nor are you permitted to appoint yourself as judge of player skill and make other players feel bad for being unfortunate enough to be grouped with you,” the person handling the report wrote.

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Afterward, they explained, “Jokes and ‘trash talking’ are only enjoyable if everyone is involved and sharing the humor… Players do not like comments you are making about being told they are stupid, they need to grow a brain, or are dog***t.”

dva in overwatch 2Blizzard Entertainment

To conclude, they reminded cnstnsr that as long as they continue to act this way, they should expect to be regularly suspended until they get a permanent ban.

Seeing this response, the community couldn’t help but share their thoughts and reflect on their actions. “S***t, even I got humbled just reading that, and I haven’t done anything,” one user replied.

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“Even I’m reflecting about my attitude after reading this, some days I’m the typical mommy Mercy main but some days I’m just toxic. Sorry for that,” another chimed in.

Some users gave props to the OP for showing what an actual report looked like, claiming they are “informing everyone else on what to look out for.”