Overwatch 2 players done with “boring” Season 8 Tank meta

Overwatch 2 OrisaBlizzard

Overwatch 2 players are voicing their frustration with the current meta for Season 8 which forces people to use “the same 3 tanks” in a suffocating meta.

Every season, the changes that come to Overwatch 2 create a new meta that players use to dominate the competition.

However, not every meta change is well-received, and the community is quick to voice their concerns when this is the case.

This is exactly what’s happening as many Overwatch 2 players are over the current meta for Season 8, and they’re letting the devs know it.

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Overwatch 2 players fed up with Season 8 meta

Overwatch 2 Roadhog recieves buffs days after rework launchBlizzard

These frustrations can be seen everywhere, including on the Overwatch subreddit, where a post was made titled: “I’m tired of having to accommodate the same 3 tanks.”

They go on to explain that “Mauga, Roadhog and Orisa all require specific heroes to either kill or keep alive and I’m so bored of it because they’re the only tanks I seem to go up against.”

The responses are largely in agreement with this, with one comment saying, “This is annoying and then gets worse when you FINALLY get a match up that is not one of these three tanks, and the first fight the tank gets killed so they immediately swap to one of these three…”

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The Tank players are even over it, as one Overwatch 2 fan tells the original poster: “As a tank main, we are tired of playing the same 3 tanks.”

A common sentiment is that even when players try to branch out, teammates will hound them to switch back.

“You say that now, but the second I pick Wrecking Ball, I get flamed 6 ways to Sunday before the spawn doors even opened.”

It is clear that the Overwatch 2 community wants some changes to the game, and, unfortunately for them, it is unsure if those changes will come in the upcoming Season 9.

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