Overwatch 2 players discuss which heroes need reworks the most

overwatch 2 characters attackingBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 players are unhappy about the performance of Roadhog and Reaper in Season 6 and think that both characters need a rework or at least a buff.

Overwatch 2’s initial release was met with criticism, with some players calling it a “UI reskin” of Overwatch 1. But players did think that the developers had done a good job of balancing the cast of heroes.

With the franchise’s second iteration, the game transitioned from 6v6 to 5v5. As a result, some characters suffered and others benefited from the new match tempo.

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But some Overwatch 2 fans think that certain characters have been overlooked and need either reworks or buffs.

Overwatch 2 players think Roadhog and Reaper are weak

Reddit user PIPBOY-2000 asked the question to the Overwatch 2 community “Is there anyone who currently needs a rework?”

Out of the cast of 36 heroes in Overwatch 2, fans singled out two heroes as feeling out of place in the current Season 6 state of the game.

Players Question if Hog needs a rework

Roadhog was the main culprit of the criticism from players of Overwatch 2.

Roadhog in Overwatch 2Blizzard

Roadhog is a tank in Overwatch 2 notorious for his large health pool and ability to snag opponents out of formation with his hook ability.

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But players don’t think Roadhog, also known as Mako Rutledge, in is a good spot in the current meta.

Players criticized the tank for “being bad […] for 4 seasons straight.” Another user felt that the hero “went from broken to being bullied by supports.”

But others reminded the community that he is allegedly “confirmed to have a rework in the works.” They also stated how they aren’t hopeful that the rework is coming anytime soon, joking: “how soon is OW3 coming out, cause God knows he won’t get it till then.”

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Overwatch 2 community thinks Reaper might be in need of a buff

Reaper is an absolute tank-melter and whether he is meta or not, players somehow find a way to work him into a team comp.

The complaint Overwatch 2 players had about Reaper wasn’t his damage. But his mobility.

One player found that he lacked the mobility to engage his high close-range damage in season 6, “I feel like Reaper has a bit of trouble keeping up especially with his god awful slow teleport. Maybe give him a bit more mobility.”

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Others agreed on Reaper’s teleport ability being problematic, offering solutions to the character’s poor mobility like “speeding up his teleport by .5-.75 seconds faster.”

Players were happy with the Lifeweaver buff after a slow start for the new healer, and hope that more balance changes will come as quickly as the Lifeweaver and Illari fixes.