Overwatch 2 players demand more nerfs to “ridiculous” Orisa

overwatch 2 orisaBlizzard

Overwatch 2 players are adamant that Orisa is the best tank in the game even after she caught some nerfs in the most recent patch, leaving many wanting harder nerfs for the dominant hero.

Meta shifts are nothing new for Overwatch 2. As balance patches roll out, big winners often dominate the meta and their counters find a place they may not have before. This has created a constantly shifting meta around OW2’s more frequent balance patches.

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However, since Orisa’s fortify was buffed and other tanks were changed around her, she’s become the best tank in the game by a pretty wide margin according to low and high-level players.

Someone like Flats who plays at a top 500 level had his complaints with the hero while many average players despised her, leading many to wonder when Orisa was going to get nerfs. And, now that her nerfs have arrived, people want her to get more than just a slap on the wrist in the next balance patch.

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Overwatch 2 players claim Orisa nerfs weren’t enough

Since her Overwatch 2 rework, Orisa has been a divisive character. She used to be part of the heavy shielding meta before she was given her javelin and functioned as a tank that enabled her backliners. Now she’s a frontline terror that has near unrivaled 1v1 potential.

Additionally, Orisa’s fortify giving her an additional 50% damage resistance for its entire duration has made her a nigh-unkillable monster.

A clip on Reddit has displayed what it feels like playing against Orisa as a tank feels like, and that she’s able to create a ton of space for her team by merely existing.

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The video showed Orisa standing still and blocking a doorway with her body, making it impossible for Ramattra to effectively use his Ultimate and kept him from playing the game.

One Redditor called her “ridiculous”, while another couldn’t control their rage in regard to the tank: “This makes me angry beyond comprehension. The robot horse lady just doesn’t die.”

“Orisa makes the game not fun if you are not an Orisa main.” claimed another redditor.

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Keep in mind this clip is from after the Orisa nerfs, which, realistically didn’t do much. Taking 25 health off of her Fortify and nerfing a niche, high-level strategy with canceling her Fortify hasn’t done much to keep her down. Clearly, many players aren’t happy with the current state she’s in.

Upon reading the notes, Flats wasn’t impressed with Orisa’s nerfs but claimed that her strength in the meta was a “symptom of the problem” rather than her being inherently broken.

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“When you play Orisa, you don’t even feel like you do much. You just stand there. You don’t do anything. But your survivability is what’s so good about Orisa, because all the tanks explode because there’s so much damage and healing in the game right now.”

Flats was also critical of the Fortify change, wondering why the devs wouldn’t just remove the ability to cancel Fortify rather than trying to adjust the way its cooldown works. In all fairness, being able to cancel Fortify can help in very specific matchups like if you’re trying not to get bursted by Roadhog Ult, but it has much fewer use cases now.

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The prominent tank player wasn’t quite as angry at Orisa as the average player, but he did have his fair share of gripes with the changes.

Regardless, Overwatch 2 players seem to be unhappy with Orisa’s level of balance, though it’s worth mentioning that she could become a bit less prevalent as more players pick up Zarya following her buffs. It remains to be seen whether or not Orisa gets more balance adjustments.

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