Overwatch 2 players debate who is the most annoying hero to team alongside

overwatch characters togetherBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 is a competitive shooter that has many unique heroes with varying abilities. But for some players, they just cannot stand when a teammate picks a certain hero.

Overwatch 2 Invasion has had a mostly positive reception from the community. Lifeweaver has been buffed, Illari fills out the support roster, and players think that the majority of characters are balanced.

But, despite characters being balanced, some players just can’t stand it when they have to play on the same team as a certain Overwatch 2 hero.

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For some players, this can go as far as making them feel like they want to “leave the game” as one Redditor noted.


Doomfist was a character that players unanimously agreed on. Many Overwatch 2 players claimed that their Doomfist experience could be summed up with the statement that “90% of the time they rush the whole team by themselves they get killed and then complain about their team being bad.”

Not everyone was convinced on the hero ruining their games. Some put it down to character knowledge, that most people don’t know how to properly play doom, “Doomfist is good you just need to know how to play with him.”

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Wrecking Ball

Tanks were a common source of frustration for Overwatch 2 players, as Wrecking Ball also received a lot of votes for being the worst character to play alongside.

Again, the source of annoyance for most players wasn’t the character itself but the playstyle of the people picking Ball. A common complaint is the Ball’s insistence on healing instead of making use of the hero’s movement speed to pick up health packs, “They often spam for healing but actively avoid as much healing as possible and refuse to get a health pack.”

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But it wasn’t only tanks that drew hate from the Overwatch 2 community.


Sombra also proves irksome for most players to play alongside. The character, while having a unique invisible ability and the capability to infiltrate an enemy team’s backlines is being played “horribly.”

Another player went on to note that the random Sombras usually “barely have any impact on the game, just keeps running around in the enemy’s backline and uses EMP after 3 of us died already.”

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These were the heroes that most players hated playing their teammates picking, but there were other heroes who also drew attention like Widow, Roadhog, and Orisa.