Overwatch 2 players debate MMR reset requests after Apex Legends ranked debacle

overwatch 2 legends battling header imageBlizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 players have started debating MMR reset requests after looking into the situation surrounding Ranked changes in Apex Legends.

The Overwatch 2 development recently confirmed some new details about MMR or Match Making Rating, and how the team isn’t planning to reset it once the game launches.

Though this has left some concerned, the team explained the reason for this is that doing so would lead to lopsided games and a long imbalance period.

However, some Overwatch 2 players are wondering if taking a page out of Apex Legends’ book could prove beneficial to Overwatch 2 in the future.

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Overwatch 2 players debate MMR reset

The inflection point of the debate began on the Competitive Overwatch subreddit where user ‘Bhu124‘ made a post asking the community asking members to take a look at Apex Legends.

For those who may not know, many Apex Legends players have noted problems with Ranked in Season 13, with the latest issue being that Gold players are matching with those ranked as high as Predator.

As a result, many Apex players have given up on grinding Ranked this season altogether.

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Apex Legends RankedRespawn Entertainment
The Ranked Reloaded rework has seemingly brought on more problems than solutions according to those interested in competitive play.

Bhu124 notes that “these big MMR resets are bad for any game and match quality,” noting a middle-ground could be simply setting back player’s ranks by small amounts.

The community seems split on the issue as some think an MMR reset is out of the question, like ‘patriotgator122889’ who said, “This is just my experience, but any person asking for a full MMR reset is delusional about the result. It’s not going to change your rank long-term and will create a month of mismatched games.

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Others think an MMR reset isn’t so bad, like user ‘Raffulous‘ who said, “It’s not like we’re asking for [an] MMR wipe every season just a one-time thing for a WHOLE new game. Bad experience for like a couple [of] weeks then it’ll all settle and job done.”

Some players, including ‘arandomguy111‘ brought up a great point, noting “It’s disingenuous to leave out that in the case of Overwatch the growing discussion of [an] MMR reset is in the context of [an] Overwatch to Overwatch 2 transition.”

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For now, it seems as though the Overwatch 2 team has no intention of an MMR reset, but it remains to be seen if community feedback will sway them.