Overwatch 2 players slam “unacceptable” matchmaking for creating one-sided games

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Overwatch 2 players continue to discuss the issues with matchmaking. They claim that matches are one-sided affairs, and that it’s rare to get a game that feels evenly matched.

The Overwatch 2 community and the player base have dealt with a myriad of troubles in recent weeks, which include weird visual bugs and a “unplayable” Hero.

However, one issue that has been brewing for months has been matchmaking.

Recently, the Overwatch 2 community has opened up yet another conversation on it and the problems with finding competitive games that feel, well, competitive.

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Overwatch 2 players comment on matchmaking troubles

On Reddit, a user by the name of u/icekeuter commented on the problems that currently face Overwatch 2’s matchmaking system and the competitiveness of the game as a result. The Overwatch 2 player, who claims to be Master 2 rank, stated that over a 40 game span, very few have been competitive and wound up being stomps.

Rather than back-and-forth affairs that feature strong players from the Master rank, these matches, per the original poster, have been anything but that.

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This sentiment was shared by many within the Overwatch community.

One Overwatch 2 user agreed and shared a similar experience. “For the past 3 days, my group and I have been getting stomped on for 5 games in a row, then we have 1 good win, then we get on another losing streak. The matchmaking is genuinely awful.”

Another player briefly summed up the difficulties with finding competitive matchups in two sentences, “game is nothing but ‘your turn to stomp/get stomped’ simulator since OW2 launched. [L]iterally doesn’t matter how good or bad you play.”

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This is not the first time that Overwatch 2 players have had issues with matchmaking. Earlier in the year, a similar viral post on Reddit in which Platinum and Diamond players declared that they have played with lower ranks on a regular basis, and vice versa.

The discussion surrounding Overwatch 2’s matchmaking comes on the heels of several other news stories that have arisen from the franchise in recent days. In competitive play, Flashpoint mode won’t be available at launch as the development team works out the kinks. And, several content creators provided feedback on the new PvE missions that are set to be released later this summer.

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