Overwatch 2 players abandoning game until limited Double Trouble mode ends

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Overwatch 2 players have clashed with the new Double Trouble Hacked mode, with many skipping out on Quick Play entirely until the game mode is over.

Overwatch 2 has just released its new version of Quick Play: Hacked. Quick Play: Double Trouble sees players able to pick two of the same heroes within their role, breaking the limits on what players can choose.

This harkens back to older days in Overwatch where there were no limits to what players could choose. Comps like 6 Winstons could be played without any restrictions, letting creativity run wild. That was changed early on in the game’s lifecycle, with this mode returning to older times.

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However, it seems players would rather stick to the present, as many have come forward to state they wouldn’t be participating in Quick Play while the mode is active.

OW2 Quick Play: Hacked has players skipping out on the mode

“QP Hacked starts today, two of the same hero available per team. I know without trying I’m not going to enjoy this one,” one user posted.

“I just played 1 game, enemy team was Hog, double Bation, double Mercy. I’m done with this game until it’s over,” another agreed.

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Other users chimed in with their own against comps like double Pharah Mercy and double Kiriko Bastion.

“I primarily play QP so that I can just enjoy myself without pressure, but I did not enjoy this. I appreciate the devs trying new things, but in all honesty, I may just sit out QP while this is active,” another user stated.

Quick Play: Hacked will only run for 24 hours this time around, meaning players won’t have to wait long til they can hop back into Overwatch once more. However, it does mean players who don’t want to partake in the Double Trouble will not be able to play the regular version of Quick Play until this event is over.

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