Overwatch 2 Play of the Game bug has players wishing it was a real feature

OW2 Underworld ImageBlizzard

An Overwatch 2 bug that occurred during a Play of the Game (POTG) has players wishing for a new double perspective feature from developers Blizzard.

With new content constantly on the horizon for Overwatch 2, small issues can fall through the cracks from time to time. The sequel to the hero shooter still has that Blizzard polish that have known for many years, but with that being said, bugs can definitely still crop up from time to time.

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Bugs aren’t always a bad thing, however, sometimes they result in funny little visual glitches or errors that can be pretty hilarious. As long as the bug doesn’t necessarily impact gameplay, they can be pretty harmless and even add to the game experience.

That’s exactly what happened when one player encountered one such bug during their Play of the Game, which has left the community wanting more.

Overwatch 2 players ask for a dual perspective POTG feature

Reddit user garfungle_ was taken aback when their Reinhardt Play of the Game suddenly swapped over to the perspective of the enemy Reaper. The replay then showed the player taking down the enemy Reaper, which gives further context to the play and highlights their glory even further.

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This unique clip had many players speculating if this was a new feature secretly added to the game, as they’d also been seeing it since the Season 6 update rolled out.

“I’m not sure if it’s a weird glitch or a new “feature”, but I’ve been seeing this in my games too,” one commented.

Others theorized that it was a feature due to the developers apparently experimenting with a new team play of the game to better highlight everyone.

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However, one Redditor confirmed with the official forums that this neat little clip is in fact a bug, which may mean we won’t see this cool feature embedded into Overwatch anytime soon.

Comment byu/garfungle_ from discussion inOverwatch

Despite being a bug, many were still in awe of the sheer coolness of the clip, and who knows, given the positive reception, it might just be a matter of time until Blizzard lends an ear and looks to implementing such a feature.

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