Overwatch 2 fans claim “one-trick Mercy” is “not viable” in Season 9

Mercy changes coming in overwatch 2Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 fans are frustrated by the state of support hero Mercy in the new season of the game, claiming she is “not viable” to use anymore. 

Each and every season, the Overwatch 2 devs rework certain heroes to further create balance in the game as well as shake up which heroes have an edge over others. Therefore, the Overwatch community is constantly offering feedback to the devs as well as taking to social media to share their thoughts when heroes are reworked in a big way.

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As well as this, players will often point out when a hero is in need of a rework or when there is an imbalance when playing competitively. Recently, the hero that has been getting the most attention from the OW community is Mercy.

Mercy is a support hero and one that specializes in healing teammates. However, Overwatch players have been discussing how the current state of Mercy, with many claiming she is no longer a “viable” hero to use in the new season.

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A new Reddit thread containing over 700 comments discusses just that. With the initial post detailing Mercy’s shortcomings as a character this season.

“Every game I’ve had with a one-trick Mercy has ended in defeat,” one player claimed. “The other team just wipes us every time and Mercy will refuse to switch no matter what hero we need to counter the enemy comp. I’ve had more stubborn Widows and Genjis willing to make DPS changes than our other support.

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“And as the other support that has to pick up the slack, it’s downright frustrating. Not to say you can’t play Mercy, but please know when it’s not working and adjust. That’s all we’re asking.”

Other Overwatch players were quick to agree with the initial post. One Redditor added, “Literally! The support diffs this season are much more blatant than ever before. When a support duo is carrying you can feel it.”

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Another Overwatch fan also commented, “When she is on your team, it’s literally impossible to win. She’s useless, her damage boost has no utility, too little healing, so on and so forth.

“When she’s on the enemy team, whomever she pockets becomes an absolute god of war spreading death and destruction, she herself becomes this unkillable mythical moth that can res in front of you and you are completely helpless to stop her, and she basically single-handedly carries her entire team to victory.”

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Time will tell if the OW2 dev team listens to the community outcry and reworks Mercy in the new season. However, we’ll be sure to keep you updated on all the latest Overwatch 2 news.